Below is an upcoming One-hour informational session regarding new Federal Legislation, H.R. 8221: IDs for An Inclusive Democracy Act. Webinar from the National Conversation About Kat Calvin, Founder, Project ID & Spread the Vote, outlining and discussing the details of H.R. 8221, a federal legislative act for free IDs which she is at the forefront of moving through the U.S. Congress. 

10 am PDT / 12 noon Central/1 pm EDT 

 Kat Calvin

Founder, Project ID & Spread The Vote


1) Learn about the Conversation

2) Kat will dig into the details of this important Federal Legislation

 3) What it is, what it does and how we can create a free Federal ID 4) Bring your questions and experience to the discussion!

To register for this event and receive the Zoom link, reply to this email or go to our website at Please invite your colleagues.

Together we can make the difference in preventing and ending homelessness across the country. Thank you for your continued partnership.