BKRHC has been working with California Interagency Council on Homelessness (Cal ICH) to improve racial equity in the homeless response system throughout the state of California. This is Kern County’s second year participating in the California Racial Equity Action Lab aka CA REAL Phase 2. Kern County’s project for 2023-2024 is to develop an equitable homeless system through data and bridging system gaps. A huge, thank you!!! To the DEI Committee who established a working group and created surveys to measure data to improve Kern County’s homeless response system.

The surveys goals are to collect responses from service providers and people with lived experience to measure the knowledge participants received from the CoC University’s DEI Trainings, capture information about the Communication Access tools that service providers utilize when assisting clients or community members they encounter and the CoC Geographic Data Collection Process to improve racial equity within the Bakersfield/Kern’s CoC.

BKRHC is requesting for everyone to complete the following 3 surveys by June 4th. BKRHC will measure the data collected and we will work towards improving the homeless response system based upon the feedback received.

Please forward this email to your staff and it will be posted on the BKRHC website as well.

DEI Survey


Communication Access


CoC Geographic Data Collection Process
