Kern Recovers Nonprofit Grant Program

Nonprofit entities play an important role in supporting our local economy, addressing unmet needs of the most needy in our society, and improving the quality of life in Kern County. Many of these entities rely on fundraisers and donations which have been eliminated or greatly reduced due to COVID-19. This program is designed to support […]

The Bakersfield Californian: “County ready to put words into ‘action,’ address homelessness after Homekey award”

The Bakersfield Californian reporter Quinn Wilson covered the recent announcement of a nearly $15 million grant award to the Housing Authority of the County of Kern to expand the inventory of permanent supportive housing in Kern County. You can read the article online here: County ready to put words into ‘action,’ address homelessness after Homekey […]

Housing Authority awarded nearly $15 million to expand Permanent Supportive Housing in Kern County

Yesterday, Wednesday, September 16, 2020, it was announced that the Housing Authority of the County of Kern will receive nearly $15 million from the State of California to purchase and rehabilitate existing housing, converting it into permanent supportive housing. BKRHC Executive Director Anna Laven, Ed.D., released the following statement: Homelessness ends when every person in […]

COMMUNITY VOICES: Kern Project Roomkey will help our most vulnerable homeless population

By Anna Laven, Stephen Pelz and Deborah Johnson. A version of this op-ed appeared in The Bakersfield Californian. To view the original post, click here. The Housing Authority of the County of Kern, California Veterans Assistance Foundation and Bakersfield-Kern Regional Homeless Collaborative are on the frontlines working to end homelessness in our communities and build […]