CONTACT: Carlos Baldovinos, BKRHC Executive Board Chair,, (661) 325-0863

BKRHC Conducts 2024 Point-in-Time Count

BAKERSFIELD, CA – The Bakersfield-Kern Regional Homeless Collaborative (BKRHC) has recently published the 2024 Point-in-Time (PIT) Count report of persons experiencing homelessness in Kern County. This is an annual count that presents a snapshot of individuals experiencing sheltered or unsheltered homelessness as required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The data collected through the PIT Count is used by state and federal governments to determine funding for counties, cities, and local continuums of care. 

The 2024 PIT Count is composed of two parts: the sheltered count, which is a single night count that includes data from all emergency shelters, navigation centers, and transitional housing; and the unsheltered count, which encompasses three days and involves volunteers who are sent to different areas throughout Kern County to interview unsheltered homeless individuals. This year’s PIT Count methodology included two additional days of the unsheltered count to obtain a more accurate overall count and to complete additional counts of rural Kern County and the Kern Riverbed areas. 

The 2024 PIT Count revealed a total of 2,669 persons experiencing homelessness. Of the total, 1,663 individuals were found to be unsheltered (62%), while 1,006 individuals (38%) utilized shelters. Overall, this year’s count represents a 37% increase from the 2023 count. As in previous years, the majority of the homeless population was located in the Bakersfield Metro Area, which includes the unincorporated areas of East Bakersfield, Oildale, and Rosedale.

BKRHC and its partners have worked to refine the PIT Count process with the methodology change, comprehensive training, and high volunteer turnout. A total of 421 volunteers participated in the PIT Count, which is the second year in a row of high volunteer participation.  The sophistication in our process and continuous improvement helped make this year’s Count a successful one.  These contributing factors increased accuracy in the way information is gathered, the subsequent total number of individuals counted, and provided the continuum of care with a better understanding of the homeless population. The importance of an accurate count ensures that the region receives its fair share of funds to support homelessness programming and services. 

Carlos Baldovinos, BKRHC Executive Board Chair and Commissioner on the Housing Authority of the County of Kern Board of Directors, stated, “I’m very proud of how Kern County is producing permanent housing and wraparound services.” BKRHC Executive Director, Rick Ramos, added, “We have made great strides to improve our systems to get a more accurate count of data and an overall picture of those experiencing homelessness in Kern County. The upcoming strategic plan release will facilitate additional system improvements through strengthened collaboration, accountability, and community support.” 

The PIT count data and the 2024 PIT Count report undergo rigorous review and validation by BKRHC staff before being adopted by the BKRHC Governing Board and submitted to HUD.


The Bakersfield-Kern Regional Homeless Collaborative (BKRHC) is an independent, nonprofit organization composed of individuals, organizations and public agencies working to address homelessness in our community. Through collaborative planning and action, BKRHC works to reduce the impacts of homelessness and build a future where every person in Kern County has a permanent place to call home.