Get Involved
Help us build a future where everyone in Kern County has a place to call home by donating to financially support our efforts, joining the collaborative as a member or signing up for our email list.
The Bakersfield Kern Regional Homeless Collaborative is an independent 501(C)3 nonprofit organization that depends on the financial support of public and private donors. You can support our efforts to reduce the impacts of homelessness in Kern County by mailing a check to the Bakersfield Kern Regional Homeless Collaborative or donating online.
Bakersfield Kern Regional Homeless Collaborative
2101 Oak Street
Bakersfield, CA 93301
ATTN: Donations
Join the Collaborative
The Bakersfield Kern Regional Homeless Collaborative includes homelessness service providers, government agencies, advocacy groups, businesses and currently and formerly homeless persons, who bring their expertise from working hands-on, every day with homeless individuals and families to help them obtain permanent housing and get the supportive services they need to reach their full potential.
Membership in the Continuum of Care is open to anyone who is a stakeholder in ending homelessness in Kern County, and all meetings are open to the public.
Membership Benefits
- Are committed to the goal of building a future where every person in Kern County has a place to call home
- Receive the most current homelessness information and news available
- Have access to training
- Participate in committees and are eligible for committee leadership and Board positions during the nomination process
- Receive recognition via social media and Collaborative efforts for member projects and events
- Invest staff time, leadership and strategize for the good of the community, to provide wrap around homelessness and prevention services
- As appropriate, have peer opportunities to “case conference” (brainstorm about complex homelessness households) and solve barriers and gaps that surface when addressing the many layers of homelessness
- As appropriate, participate in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) data base and information sharing system across the Continuum of Care (CoC)
Submit your Application to Join BKRHC
Sign up to become a member of the Bakersfield/Kern County Continuum of Care.