Dear BKRHC Collaborative Members, Stakeholders and Community Members,

The CoC, City and County are preparing our HHAP 4 applications to the state, due November 29.  While we do not yet know the allocation amount, we are estimating approximately $7.8 million across the city, county and CoC for activities between 2023-2025.  As we look to determine which activities should be funded from these one-time taxpayer investments, we would like to solicit feedback about which activities these funds should support.  Do we need more of an existing activity?  Need a new, innovative activity?  Need to make sure an existing activity continues to be funded? Please complete the attached survey with your thoughts.  Should you prefer a fillable excel spreadsheet format, please contact Please provide as much detail as possible. 

Please return to by Wednesday, October 26, 2022 with the subject line “HHAP 4 Feedback”. 

Your answers will be shared with the city and county so that we can comprehensively approach this round of HHAP 4 funding and we may reach out to you for follow-up.  Voices of those with lived experience, BIPOC or other marginalized community members are encouraged to respond.

Eligible activities:

(1) Rapid rehousing, including rental subsidies and incentives to landlords, such as security deposits and holding fees. (2) Operating subsidies in new and existing affordable or supportive housing units, emergency shelters, and navigation centers. Operating subsidies may include operating reserves. (3) Street outreach to assist persons experiencing homelessness to access permanent housing and services. (4) Services coordination, which may include access to workforce, education, and training programs, or other services needed to promote housing stability in supportive housing. (5) Systems support for activities necessary to create regional partnerships and maintain a homeless services and housing delivery system, particularly for vulnerable populations, including families and homeless youth. (6) Delivery of permanent housing and innovative housing solutions, such as hotel and motel conversions. (7) Prevention and shelter diversion to permanent housing, including rental subsidies. (8) Interim sheltering, limited to newly developed clinically enhanced congregate shelters, new or existing non-congregate shelters, and operations of existing navigation centers and shelters based on demonstrated need.  (9) Improvements to existing emergency shelters to lower barriers and increase privacy.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.  Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach me at

