CONTACT: Anna Laven, Ed.D., BKRHC Executive Director, 310-592-8557,  2021 Point in Time Count reports 2,150 individuals experienced homelessness on January 27, 2021 Bakersfield/Kern one of few regions in California

CONTACT: Anna Laven, Ed.D., BKRHC Executive Director, 310-592-8557, More than 200 people receive COVID-19 vaccine at local homeless shelters and navigation centers Individuals experiencing homelessness, staff at four emergency

BKRHC conducts 2021 Point in Time Count Combines case management data with shelter and navigation center reports to account for homeless population CONTACT: Anna Laven, Ed.D., BKRHC Executive Director, 310-592-8557,

BKRHC Executive Director Anna Laven, Ed.D., appeared last week on Valley Public Radio to discuss local efforts to expand our inventory of permanent supportive housing by purchasing and renovating existing

Volunteers critical for accurate count, efforts to address homelessness. Plans in place to address COVID-19 concerns. For Immediate Release CONTACT: Anna Laven, Ed.D., BKRHC Executive Director, 310-592-8557, BAKERSFIELD, CA

Bakersfield-Kern Regional Homeless Collaborative approves grant funding for COVID-19 Prevention and Containment programs Local service providers receive more than $220,000 to serve those experiencing homelessness CONTACT: Anna Laven, Ed.D., BKRHC Executive

Yesterday, Wednesday, September 16, 2020, it was announced that the Housing Authority of the County of Kern will receive nearly $15 million from the State of California to purchase and

“BKRHC is disappointed in tonight’s decision of the City Council to not approve a Conditional Use Permit for Kern Project Roomkey. Our region’s unsheltered homeless population remain at high-risk for

By Anna Laven, Stephen Pelz and Deborah Johnson. A version of this op-ed appeared in The Bakersfield Californian. To view the original post, click here. The Housing Authority of the

2020 Point in Time Count Identifies Continued Challenges, Progress towards Addressing Homelessness 1,580 Homeless Persons Identified, 19-Percent Increase from 2019 CONTACT: Anna Laven, Ed.D., BKRHC Executive Director, 310-592-8557, anna.laven.bkrhc@gmail.comCONTACT: Deborah

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