Below is the CSH Supportive Housing Summit 2023 and may benefit our community to participate to improve our homeless response system outcomes! They are also accepting session proposals and providing

ILCKC will be selling General Tickets for the Condors’ game representing Non-Profits! Saturday November 19, 2022 at 7pm $20 per ticket Contact Stephany Cisneros 661-325-1063.

Join us for free food and resources December 4, 2022 12:00-2:00 in the United Way Parking Lot- corner of 18th and H Street.

We have exciting news… COPE is coming back! Some of you were unable to attend the COPE in October, so we will have another opportunity for everyone in April. As

We are already seeing the sleeping bag drive off to a great start! Several amazingly filled boxes were brought into the Dream Center this week! Please keep the sleeping bag

Everyone is WELCOME to our table for a Thanksgiving Feast! We are looking for “foster ovens” to cook 15x Turkeys for this event. If interested please contact Tina at LOTH

Join us for some fun filled events at Laborers of the Harvest. There will be lots of fun for everyone in the family and plenty of FREE FOOD to take

Please join us for our Annual Thanksgiving meal & Coat giveaway on Thanksgiving Day from 11 am – 1 pm at the Mission Inside our Chapel. We invite the community

The attached document and associated link pertains to the 2022 HUD Regular Notice of Funding Opportunity final version of the consolidated application and priority listing as approved by the Bakersfield-Kern

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