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BKRHC HHAP Gaps Analysis Report

The purpose of this report is to provide a brief analysis of homeless services and funding needs to help inform the Bakersfield Kern Regional Homeless Collaborative (BKRHC), County of Kern, and City of Bakersfield in prioritizing uses for the new State Homeless Housing Assistance and Prevention Program (HHAP) block grant.

Release: 2020 Point in Time Count Identifies Continued Challenges, Progress towards Addressing Homelessness

2020 Point in Time Count Identifies Continued Challenges, Progress towards Addressing Homelessness 1,580 Homeless Persons Identified, 19-Percent Increase from 2019 CONTACT: Anna Laven, Ed.D., BKRHC Executive Director, 310-592-8557, anna.laven.bkrhc@gmail.comCONTACT: Deborah Johnson, BKRHC Governing Board Chair, 661-619-6994, BAKERSFIELD, CA – The Bakersfield-Kern Regional Homeless Collaborative (BKRHC) today released its 2020 Point in Time (PIT) Count […]