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BKRHC, Bakersfield, Kern County release local RFP for $2.74 million in grant funding for Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Program Local organizations encouraged to apply for funds for priority activities

Homelessness is a challenging issue. While there isn’t any single solution, Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) has a major role to play in helping individuals experiencing homelessness transition and maintain housing.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Anna Laven, BKRHC Executive Director, 310-592-8557 (cell), Bakersfield/Kern awarded 229 Emergency Housing Vouchers BKRHC, Housing Authority to collaborate; help address and prevent homelessness BAKERSFIELD, CA – The

CONTACT: Anna Laven, Ed.D., BKRHC Executive Director, 310-592-8557,  2021 Point in Time Count reports 2,150 individuals experienced homelessness on January 27, 2021 Bakersfield/Kern one of few regions in California

The Alliance Against Family Violence & Sexual Assault will be hosting a 90-minute, virtual training on digital abuse and safety presented by Adam R. Dodge, J.D., founder of (Ending

Effective immediately, HUD’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) will use two different listservs on HUD’s website to communicate information regarding information developed by HUD/SNAPS concerning: Continuum of Care

The Mission at Kern County will be having another Johnson & Johnson vaccine clinic on April 7, 2021 starting at 1:00 PM. The event will take place on their campus

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